
Mar 24, 2023
Category: Current News
Posted by: dbaxter





Our office will be closed:

Monday, September 2, 2024

in observance of Labor Day.




The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be:

September 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.




Maury County Board of Public Utilities meets at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 765 New Lewisburg Highway, Columbia, TN 38401.

The Board Meeting Entrance is located on the side of our building, just past the Drive-Thru window. Please feel free to participate in these meetings.



In Person:
765 New Lewisburg Hwy
Columbia, TN 38401

By Mail:
P.O. Box 1196
Columbia, TN 38402

Phone: (931) 381-8900

Fax: (931) 381-8288


Feb 11, 2022
Category: Current News
Posted by: dbaxter
Tennessee 811

is the Underground Utility Notification Center for Tennessee.

KNOW what's BELOW...

Call BEFORE you DIG!

Phone: 811 or (800) 351-1111

Leak Detection

Plumbing Tips

Leaks are often the culprit for an unexplained increase in consumption, and toilet leaks are the most common. A toilet can waste thousands of gallons of water in a single billing period. Repairing a toilet leak is usually easy and relatively inexpensive to repair.

Another common type of leak is a "leaky" faucet, either inside your home or at an outside faucet.

Leak Detection

To check for a toilet leak, remove the top of the tank behind the bowl and place 3-4 drops of food coloring in the tank water. Wait one (1) hour without flushing. Check the water in the toilet bowl, and if the bowl water has been colored with the food coloring, then the toilet is leaking water from the tank. This type of leak is usually easy to repair by replacing the flapper assembly.  If this does not repair the issue, then we recommend consulting a plumber.

In order to determine if you have a water leak, read your water meter. Write the reading down. Wait  one (1) hour, then read your water  meter again. If any of the numbers on the meter have changed, a leak is highly possible. There is also a red leak indicator on most meters, either triangular or round disc located in the left hand corner. If the leak indicator is turning with no water consumption, a leak is highly possible. If there is a cut-off valve at the home, turn off the cut-off valve, then check to see if  the meter is still turning. If so, it is highly possible that a leak is in your water line. If it is not turning, it is highly possible that a leak is somewhere in the home.




How to Turn Off Your Water Meter

  • Locate your water meter. Generally, it is located near the property line at the road.

  • Lift the cover off of the meter and locate the dial inside the box.

  • Locate the cut off valve directly behind the dial.

  • With a meter key (or adjustable wrench and screw driver), turn the cut off valve clockwise to turn the water meter off. Turn the cut off valve counterclockwise to turn the water meter back on.



Water costs money...don't waste it!
A dripping faucet or fixture can waste 3 gallons a day...
a total of 1095 gallons a year.
Conserve water and save money!

Leak Chart - Water per quarter at 60 psi water pressure


The following PDF's provide useful information with determining a leak and calculating average household usage:

Click to download latest version of Adobe Reader

Previous page: Backflow Prevention  Next page: Conservation Tips